Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Art & Design IGCSE our first batch of 2013 || A* student's work

I am pleased to share with all of you my A* student's artwork, from batch 2013 (first batch of IGCSE), Chong S.Y

She is very talented student and currently she is pursuing her study in Medicine at our local college.

Paper 1 , question selected was :

A person kneeling down to fasten their shoe.

For this paper, she asked her mom to be a  model for entire work. I am so proud of her!

Final Piece

Prep 1

Prep 2

Prep 3

Prep 4

Paper 2, question selected was :

Design a headdress based on local wildlife, to be worn at a fund raising event for a conservation

Research different aspects of local wildlife and produce some original and eye-catching designs.

Final Piece

Prep 1

Prep 2

Prep 3

Prep 4

Picture courtesy of Chong SY. 

Monday, December 29, 2014

My first great artist at heart.

Let me introduce you to my little artist, Hazrat. 

As I turn his work, it looks like an angry man! 

Here my first post of a new blog. 

Happy New Year people! 😘