Sunday, October 15, 2017

Broad-based Assignment (Paper 1) Preparation 1 samples #workinprogress of my Year10 (Grade10) Mock Exam

Dear art educators and students,

For the mock exam this term, I just prepared 3 questions for the students to choose which one they are going to do for their exam. You can refer to the picture of what subject they are exploring. All these samples are work-in-progress. Shall share more when all finished, 4 preparation sheet of work and final piece.

Preparation 1, I usually guide them to write the 'Introduction' why the choose the question, what is the aim of their work and what are the subject matter involved in the work. Other than that, I'll guide the students to find one artist or inspiration to refer to and try to recopy the artist's technique because they will use that method and try to apply for one of their subject matter or picture. 

That's all for now, do comment or email me if you would want to know more or if you have anything to ask about Paper 1 Art & Design 0400 IGCSE.


A mirror, a potted plant and bowl of fruit




A mirror, a potted plant and bowl of fruit




A mirror, a potted plant and bowl of fruit