Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Overall A Grade result for June Series 2017 Art & Design IGCSE 0400 (Combination marks for Paper 1 and Paper 2)

Hello art educators and students,

Below is the sample of student's work for Paper 1 and Paper 2, the overall marks for June Series 2017 Art & Design IGCSE 0400.

Permission granted by the student herself.

Paper 1: Broad-based Assignment
 A Grade
Final Piece Paper 1
'Pulled Apart'

Paper 2: Design-based Assignment
Grade B
Poster Advertisment 

I personally think that the student can get better marks (A*) if she spends more time in completing her work. She is an indeed talented student. However, she was aware that she'll get this mark and she was hoping not getting B and below, as overall marks. Thank God she got an A.

She even wanted to re-sit the exam, and I said, hell no! Hahaha. A is good enough! So that she can concentrate on other IGCSE subjects soon. She's taking Art IGCSE in Y10 and never been to any art class (was from homeschooling), but I am proud of her, and she deserves an A for this exam. 

If you have any inquiries about the subject, do see my contact details at the right side of the blog.

Have a good day! 

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