Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Updated: Art & Design IGCSE 0400 syllabus - random questions

Frequently Asked Questions from Art Teachers and Students via Email & Instagram DM:


Q&A on Art & Design IGCSE 0400 Syllabus


1. How many papers are there for the Art & Design IGCSE 0400 syllabus?

There are two components (papers):

i. Component 1 (Coursework)

ii. Component 2 (Externally Set Assignment - ESA)



2. How many supporting studies (prep work) are required for Coursework?

According to the syllabus, you should have up to 4 sheets, equivalent to 8 pages.


3. Is it possible to do fewer studies for Coursework?

If you can effectively convey the flow of your ideas from one prep to another to the Final Piece, you can proceed with a lesser number of prep work. In some cases, 8 preps + 1 Final Piece is recommended.


4. How is the topic for Coursework determined?

The teacher suggests the topic for the Coursework.

(Past year exam papers for Coursework topics, please click [HERE])


5. Can students choose their own topics?

Yes, but students must discuss and obtain approval for their selected topics from the teacher.


6. Can past syllabus topics or past year's questions be used?

Yes, you can use past syllabus topics or past year's questions as a basis for your Coursework topic.


7. Is mind-mapping compulsory for Coursework?

It's advisable to do mind-mapping during your Prep 1 for Coursework to showcase your early ideas on the topic.


8. Can a smaller paper size be used for Coursework?

While the syllabus allows for flexibility in size, it's essential not to go too small, as presentation matters. All the small studies need to be pasted on A2 size paper, or the student can proceed with the drawing on A2 paper itself.


9. Are there Digital Samples or Photography examples for Coursework?

No, I don't have a full set of work for Digital and Photography.


10. What is the recommended time frame for completing Component 1 Coursework?

Plan for at least 6 to 8 months to complete Component 1 before starting Component 2 ESA. Exam-specific deadlines are also provided by Cambridge. I usually plan about a year (12 months) for my students to complete Component 1. We have a lot of public holidays in Malaysia, which affect the academic calendar. Hence, I start as early as when my students are in Year 10.


11. What is a suitable topic for "weak" students?

"Weak" students can consider topics related to fruits, vegetables, or nature.


12. Can students trace from photos?

No, tracing is not allowed.


13. How can students with weak drawing skills be helped?

They can use the grid method and focus on Design-oriented work.


14. Are there restrictions on art styles for Coursework?

Students can choose from various art styles, such as painting, Photoshop, sculpture, photography, etc. Focus on their strengths in ONE art field.

Note: No more Print-making Coursework starting 2023 exams onwards. However, students can explore print-making techniques as part of the development of one of the preps.


15. How many artist references should be included in Coursework?

It's recommended to include 2 to 3 artist references for Coursework.


16. Can students refer to Instagram artists?

Students should conduct thorough research to ensure the artist is established. Reference to local, established artists is also encouraged.


17. Should there be extensive annotation in each study?

Annotation can be concise, focusing on each study's purpose. The emphasis should be on visual evidence (90%) with some annotation (10%) for each prep. That’s how I guide my students.


18. Can Design-type work be submitted for Coursework?

Yes, Design-type work is acceptable.


19. What about artist references for Design Coursework?

Students can use a combination of Artist Reference or Designers Reference, depending on the type of Design (product) they create for the topic.




20. When will Cambridge upload the question paper for the exams?

For the June Exam, check their website by 1st January.

For the October Exam, check on 1st July.


21. Where can I access the exam question paper?

Click here -> [Cambridge School Support]


22. Can the Design be chosen for the ESA paper?

Yes, Design is an option for the ESA paper.


23. Is having fewer than 4 sheets for prep work acceptable?

While it's a personal choice, having less than 4 preps is not encouraged. Three to four complete supporting studies are recommended.


24. Is mind-mapping necessary for ESA?

The need for mind-mapping varies. An introduction is typically enough to convey the idea/content of the topic.


25. Can students choose the same questions for ESA?

Yes, students can choose the same questions, but they should ensure they are using different subject matter/content.


26. How long is the exam for the Final Piece in ESA?

The Component 2 (ESA) Final Piece consists of two days (8 hours):

Wednesday: 4 hours

Thursday: another 4 hours

My school conducts 2 days for the Final Piece ESA exams.

Some schools are taking 3 days for the 8-hour slot, e.g., 3x2x2 (hours).

Note: Component 1 (Coursework) Final Piece does not require an 8-hour exam.


27. Can students bring their prep work and refer to it during the Final Piece examination?

Yes, students should have their prep work with them during the Final Piece examination.


28. How many artist references should be attached to the ESA paper?

Typically, 1 to 2 artist references are recommended for the ESA paper.


29. Can students pre-draft the Final Piece's image before the examination and bring and use it during the test?

No, pre-drafting and bringing a pre-made image for the Final Piece examination is not allowed.


30. Who is responsible for marking all the papers?

Cambridge is responsible for marking all the papers.


31. Is it necessary to submit forecast grades to Cambridge?

Yes, forecast grades must be submitted to Cambridge. Usually, the school admin/principal will inform you about the process of submitting forecast grades to Cambridge.


32. Is there an exam for the Final Piece in Component 1 (Coursework)?

No, there is no exam for the Final Piece in Component 1 (Coursework).


33. Where can we find additional information about the Art & Design IGCSE 0400?

You can refer to various sources, including:


Cambridge website

Facebook group: Cambridge Art / Design AS/A 9704, 9479 & IGCSE 0400 For Educators


Art samples on Pinterest


34. What is the best time to conduct the Final Piece examination for Component 1 (Coursework) and Component 2 (ESA) papers?

Week 1 of April for the June Exam

Week 1 of October for the October Exam


35. How to submit or upload the work to Cambridge?

Here is the information and guidance from Cambridge. Please click [THIS LINK]. Thanks.


36. Do you have any samples for AS, A Level, or IGCSE?

No, the focus is currently on teaching the Art & Design IGCSE 0400 syllabus.


37. Do predicted grades need to be provided for Component 1 and Component 2?

Only one grade needs to be submitted to Cambridge. This grade should be a forecast or prediction based on the overall quality of the students' work for both Component 1 and Component 2. For example, if a student can achieve a B after assessing their work in both components, you would submit a B to Cambridge.



This extensive Q&A should serve as a valuable resource for art students and teachers seeking a better understanding of the Art & Design IGCSE 0400 syllabus. If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at missfeeda@artandfeeda.net.


Before reaching out, I recommend thoroughly reviewing this Q&A and exploring the various grade samples on my blog. Additionally, please consult the guidelines provided for Component 1 (Coursework) and Component 2 (Externally Set Assignment ESA) of the Art & Design IGCSE 0400 syllabus.


I hope this helps! If you need any further assistance, feel free to ask.





A Gentle Reminder on Artistic Integrity and Teaching Ethics


Dear art educators,


Reflecting on the principles guiding our practice and teaching is essential as we continue to celebrate and share our passion for art. One such principle is the integrity of our work and our responsibility as educators.


I want to remind all art teachers and mentors to allow students to develop their voices and skills. We must provide guidance and constructive feedback, but it is equally crucial that we resist the temptation to alter or enhance our students' work.

While it may seem like a small act, touching up a student's piece can have a significant impact. It undermines the authenticity of their journey and the growth that comes from facing challenges head-on. More importantly, it sets a precedent that may lead students to question the value of their own efforts and the feedback they receive.


Let's be mindful of these consequences.


Let us recommit to fostering an environment where students feel empowered to explore, make mistakes, and learn from them.


Our role as teachers is to inspire, not to impose.


Let us be mindful of how our actions impact our students' confidence and understanding of what it means to be an artist. This is a crucial commitment we all need to uphold.


Thank you for your unwavering dedication to nurturing the next generation of artists with integrity and respect for their creative process. Your commitment is truly appreciated and it is through our collective dedication that we can continue to inspire and guide the future of art.


Warm regards,

Ms Feeda



  1. Thanks for always guiding us and sharing the updates. We are so lucky to have you.

  2. Thank you for this enlightening answers. Please do you mind sharing samples of previous students artworks to guide me since I'm a first time IGCSE teacher???
    Many thanks!

  3. Thank you for this enlightening answers. Please do you mind sharing samples of previous students artworks to guide me since I'm a first time IGCSE teacher???
    Many thanks!

  4. This was very informative. Thank you so much 😊

  5. Thank you for these useful information

  6. Thank you so much, above information will help me to guide my students.

  7. Thank you for providing this informative infor, you help alot to ease our new art teachers mind, I am listtocomplete the one who have ask from instagram, I am greatful to have see this list of questions, it's feel as if we are not alone. Thank you again.

  8. Glad to help you 'listtocomplete' art teacher. :)

  9. Thank you so much. This helps a lot.
    With my class I'm working on paper 2 right now, the coursework has finished, but I was not aware of exam conditions, so they made it at school and at home.


  10. Veronique, for the Final Piece Component 1&2 the students are supposed to at the school.

  11. Many thanks feeda...a great help n support indeed😘😘😘 πŸ’˜ love

  12. Hi there,
    Thanks for your sharing! is the ESA final work in A2 as well? Thanks!

  13. Thanks for the information. Vey helpful!
    Have another question though, do we have to submit the sketchbooks alongside the coursework and EE?

  14. Hi Miss Feeda
    thanks a lot for the detailed explanation. Really appreciate your selfless guidance.
    Do we have to conduct an 8 hour exam in school for component 1. Is it compulsory?

  15. Hi Ms Feeda,
    always love your posts and sharings! Thank you!
    Like to ask a few questions:

    Are predicated grades needed for both component 1 & 2?
    If the students need special papers (eg newspaper/ watercolour papers) for Component 2, how can that be provided?
    Do you do mock exam for the graduating students? Was thinking to have them dry run their Component 2 final work for prelims. Is that a good idea?

    Thank you!

  16. Thanks all
    I'll edit your questions in my post.

  17. Thank you for qustion and answering part

  18. Thank you for this information, I have found it very useful and helpful indeed.

  19. Thank you so much for your sharing.
    I always read your information whenever I confused about my teaching.

  20. Great help for the O level teachers, a strong grip on to hold. Thank you.

  21. Thank you so much especially for the beginners your detailed guidelines are very much appreciated..

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