Please note:

PLEASE NOTE: All student work featured on this blog is my intellectual property. If you wish to reference or use any work displayed here, kindly ensure proper credit is given. For any reproduction or use on your website, blog, or social media, please seek explicit permission from me at Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Blog information

BLOG INFORMATION: To access the BLOG ARCHIVE, please navigate to the right-hand side of your screen and scroll down to find it. When using the archive, be mindful of the references/resources organized by year. For the year 2020 onwards, you'll find references that are exclusively related to the new syllabus of 0400. These resources are invaluable for staying up-to-date with the latest curriculum and materials. For the years 2019 and those prior, you can still make use of the content for its work quality, innovative ideas, and sources of inspiration. These older references can be especially helpful for crafting ideas and guidelines to support your Component 2 ESA (new syllabus) endeavors.

Contact me at

Instagram: @artandfeeda

Please click the link below for the Updated: Art & Design IGCSE 0400 syllabus 2025-2026

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Term 1 (Sept-Dec2017) Final piece of Year 8 art coursework.

Hello to all,

Here some of the final piece by my Year 8 students. I gave them 2 choices of 'Nature' or 'Playing' and below is the outcome of their final piece.

Media: Mixed

Some student explores the art with Watercolour, charcoal, papers, oil pastel, Chinese ink, white Emulsion, colour pencils and Poster colour.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Art tutoring - Art & Design IGCSE

Dearest all,

I still have two slots left available on Monday and Friday for art tutoring ( Art & Design IGCSE or an art tuition )
from 2.30pm - 4.30pm.

If you are interested, kindly email me at

The tutoring will be held at Dubook Press Bandar Baru Bangi, courtesy of the CEO, my friend.

I will give you the lesson and fee structure through email.

Thank you.

Google Image

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Broad-based Assignment (Paper 1) Preparation 1 samples #workinprogress of my Year10 (Grade10) Mock Exam

Dear art educators and students,

For the mock exam this term, I just prepared 3 questions for the students to choose which one they are going to do for their exam. You can refer to the picture of what subject they are exploring. All these samples are work-in-progress. Shall share more when all finished, 4 preparation sheet of work and final piece.

Preparation 1, I usually guide them to write the 'Introduction' why the choose the question, what is the aim of their work and what are the subject matter involved in the work. Other than that, I'll guide the students to find one artist or inspiration to refer to and try to recopy the artist's technique because they will use that method and try to apply for one of their subject matter or picture. 

That's all for now, do comment or email me if you would want to know more or if you have anything to ask about Paper 1 Art & Design 0400 IGCSE.


A mirror, a potted plant and bowl of fruit




A mirror, a potted plant and bowl of fruit




A mirror, a potted plant and bowl of fruit

Monday, September 18, 2017

Year 8 (Grade 8) artwork

Term 3, 2017
Year 8 artwork

They were exploring Baroque and Impressionism Art for the term.
Below is some of the work by my students.

Subject Matter: 'Chocolate and Tiger' ( Cats belong to another art teacher )


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Overall A Grade result for June Series 2017 Art & Design IGCSE 0400 (Combination marks for Paper 1 and Paper 2)

Hello art educators and students,

Below is the sample of student's work for Paper 1 and Paper 2, the overall marks for June Series 2017 Art & Design IGCSE 0400.

Permission granted by the student herself.

Paper 1: Broad-based Assignment
 A Grade
Final Piece Paper 1
'Pulled Apart'

Paper 2: Design-based Assignment
Grade B
Poster Advertisment 

I personally think that the student can get better marks (A*) if she spends more time in completing her work. She is an indeed talented student. However, she was aware that she'll get this mark and she was hoping not getting B and below, as overall marks. Thank God she got an A.

She even wanted to re-sit the exam, and I said, hell no! Hahaha. A is good enough! So that she can concentrate on other IGCSE subjects soon. She's taking Art IGCSE in Y10 and never been to any art class (was from homeschooling), but I am proud of her, and she deserves an A for this exam. 

If you have any inquiries about the subject, do see my contact details at the right side of the blog.

Have a good day!