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PLEASE NOTE: All student work featured on this blog is my intellectual property. If you wish to reference or use any work displayed here, kindly ensure proper credit is given. For any reproduction or use on your website, blog, or social media, please seek explicit permission from me at Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Blog information

BLOG INFORMATION: To access the BLOG ARCHIVE, please navigate to the right-hand side of your screen and scroll down to find it. When using the archive, be mindful of the references/resources organized by year. For the year 2020 onwards, you'll find references that are exclusively related to the new syllabus of 0400. These resources are invaluable for staying up-to-date with the latest curriculum and materials. For the years 2019 and those prior, you can still make use of the content for its work quality, innovative ideas, and sources of inspiration. These older references can be especially helpful for crafting ideas and guidelines to support your Component 2 ESA (new syllabus) endeavors.

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Instagram: @artandfeeda

Please click the link below for the Updated: Art & Design IGCSE 0400 syllabus 2025-2026

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

What is the difference between the syllabus Art & Design IGCSE 0400 Year2020-2022 and syllabus Year2023 and Year2024?

Dear all,

Thank you for visiting my art blog. Appreciate it. 

Here, I would like to share another information regarding syllabus 0400 Art & Design IGCSE with all of you.

There will be no more Print-making as part of the Areas of Study for 2023 and 2024. However, students can explore print-making as a small part attach in the portfolio or supporting studies for both Components. In a brief understanding, there will be no longer a whole set of Print-making Coursework (Component 1) and also a set of ESA (Component 2). The students can choose any area of study except Print-making.

You can refer to the content overview I took from the syllabus for each year. 

(please click the image for better view)

Other than that, all requirements are the same as the current syllabus. 


Also, below is the time frame for you to refer to if you plan to sit for specific exam entries.

(please click the image for a better view)

Component 1 (Coursework) : (up to) 4 sheets with back-to-back studies + 1 Final Piece (Final Piece no need 8 hours exams)

Component 2 (ESA) : (up to ) 2 sheets with back-to-back studies + 1 Final Piece (Final Piece - need to conduct 8 hours exam)


I'll edit this sharing of random questions soon, and as for now, please read this random question (link below) regarding the syllabus and see the visual samples I shared on your right side. There are plenty of resources and guidelines with visual examples, and I hope it helps your understanding of this syllabus. 


If you can access Support Hub, that will be great too. In there, many resources are attached and shared. You need to spend time going through the input there. 

On my blog, I attached the steps on how I process the work to send to Caie. It might be different from how you conduct the process. However, I hope the sharing can help first-time Igcse teachers to process it better. (link below)


Another piece of information about me, I am experienced in guiding Art & Design IGCSE 0400 syllabus only. My current school doesn't offer A Level Art Igcse, so I can't say much about the syllabus. I am aware of the syllabus. However, I am not familiar with guiding students for this syllabus. Perhaps, you can join the group on Facebook (link below) to get more information from many A Level Art & Design IGCSE teachers there.  


Yes, I do conduct an online workshop. So far, I am pretty consistent in conducting an online workshop for ESA paper (Component 2 questions) - giving tips and sharing some ideas based on my experience in this syllabus. 

I did for Component 2 ESA for Oct2020, June2021 and June2022 intakes, and soon, I'll be conducting one for candidate Oct2022. Kindly wait for the poster, and the details will be attached. This type of online workshop is specifically for the Component 2 - ESA questions paper only. 


If you have any questions other than RANDOM QUESTIONS ABOUT ART & DESIGN IGCSE 0400 , you can email me at
