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PLEASE NOTE: All student work featured on this blog is my intellectual property. If you wish to reference or use any work displayed here, kindly ensure proper credit is given. For any reproduction or use on your website, blog, or social media, please seek explicit permission from me at Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

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BLOG INFORMATION: To access the BLOG ARCHIVE, please navigate to the right-hand side of your screen and scroll down to find it. When using the archive, be mindful of the references/resources organized by year. For the year 2020 onwards, you'll find references that are exclusively related to the new syllabus of 0400. These resources are invaluable for staying up-to-date with the latest curriculum and materials. For the years 2019 and those prior, you can still make use of the content for its work quality, innovative ideas, and sources of inspiration. These older references can be especially helpful for crafting ideas and guidelines to support your Component 2 ESA (new syllabus) endeavors.

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Please click the link below for the Updated: Art & Design IGCSE 0400 syllabus 2025-2026

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Hello art lovers!

I've been very busy with so many things in school and studies!
( January 2016, I've started my Master in Education and since then, I've been juggling with so many things in school - as an art teacher, at home - mom to super active 3 years old son, and a student - commitment to all assignments and exams )


Last week, I had a fantastic news when my school (again) has Awarded as Top in Malaysia for Art and Design IGCSE Batch October 2015!!


FIRST AND FOREMOST, I am not someone ( a teacher ) that super crazily forcing students to MUST always score A or A*!!

No. No way!

I love working with my students' potential in art. Working with their strength and making them believe, they can produce better work if they put efforts, heart, and soul in the work.

If they score highest in the subject that would be a great bonus and we will celebrate such achievement.

I will reveal the visual outcome of Top in Malaysia for 2014 and 2015 soon. Below is our school achievement since we change to IGCSE syllabus.

We are taking Art & Design October Series

1 A*s
4 As
2 Bs
4 Cs

4 A*s  ( 1 student, awarded as Top in Malaysia result! 94% in Art and Design! )
5 As
3 Bs
4 Cs

5 A*s ( 1 student, awarded as Top in Malaysia result! 95% in Art and Design! )
5 As
3 Bs
3 Cs


I will reveal their Paper 1 and Paper 2 prep and final work soon!

Have a great day people!

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